Annual General Meeting

Massive thank you to all new, existing, returning committee members, coaching & management staff. Your volunteer service & commitment has not gone un-noticed this season. What an awesome 2023 season this has been.

Bring on 2024 Season!

I would like to introduce the team heading our club for 2024. Please congratulate them on their role when you see them next.

Committee Team

President - Ashley Joubert
Vice President - Mark Langerman, Steve Rodney, Breeanna Scaddan, Steve Denison.
Secretary - Felicity Pitcher
Treasurer - Chris O'Malley
Sponsorship Coordinator - Noumsy & helping with sponsorship for fuel is Graham.
Social Media - Caron Reynolds

General Committee

Rachel Falemaka, Isaiah Tuaana, Toby, Graham, Adrian Pradera, Chris Falemaka, Joel Robinson


U13's - Vacant role
U14's - Joel Robinson & Brad Reynolds (manager)
U15's - Chris Falemaka & Isaiah Tuaana
U16's - Ronnie Stevens

If you would like to volunteer your service, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always needing more volunteers.

Rachel Falemaka


Preseason Training


Poppy Stevens Joins Rugby WA’s U16 Girls Development Squad